Jun 30, 2009


30 Juni 2009 a.k.a HARI INI,
mungkin adalah hari yang menegangkan dan sangat berarti buat anak DC.Ent Bekasi.
Pasalnya, *jiaelaah bahasanya.. wkwk~* hari ini adalah hari diadakannya 1st Gathering oleh anak DC.Ent yang di Bekasi. Gathering pertama gituu, pasti ada khawatir2 ato was2 gimanaaa lah *meibi sih*

lagi males ngetik pnjang2 dah. Capeeek~ mau bobo aj akh.
Besok klo smpet d lnjutin lg nih cerita.. *klo inget*
oia ad foto2 narsis jg loh.. trus foto goodies.. *goodies aj ikut narsis*
tar pling jg bakal ad yg posting pikunya disini.. *tp jgn diriku yak.. wkwk~*
segitu dulu deh.. hoho~

oia satu lg.. gag ad hubungannya ma gath sih..
tp tiba2 aj ak jd kangen ma Minani ku.. XDD
apa kabarkah dirinya skrg.. lg dmana.. dgn syp.. *lho??*
biz k Singapur katanya mau k Jepang yak?? *iya kali*
oleh2nya dund..

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EDIT! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

lgsung cerita aja ya..

*ntiz POV*
Gathering pertama DC.Ent Bekasi dimulai *hyaolaa~ sumpah ngaret bgttt* 3 jam dari rencana awal. Rencananya mau mulai jam 10, tp ternyata mulai sekitar jam 1.
Coz daku, chi, burut yang udah standby d hum anggrel yg dinobatkan sebagai t4 gath aja baru pd mandi jam 9 *kita b'3 nginep gitu*. Desi yg pling prtama mandi, skitar jam stgah 8an. Anggrel yg pling siang, hoho~
Trus jam 10 kita baru selesai beres2 en rapi2 smuanya. Dari pagi HP ku uda ramee bgd, nyanyi lagunya SHINee yg Bodyguard terus, gara2 banyak sms masuk. Skitar jam 11, baru deh c Anggrel jmput Anggi + Aan (temen SMP kita, peserta gath) d hum Anggi.
Chi jmput Opi + Iyaz d hum Opi). Daku ma Desi bikin kocokan buat games en nnnton 'A Walk to Remember'nya Suju d kompi Anggrel.
Pas mereka jmput, 1 org temennya Anggrel + Desi sms, kga jd dtg gara2 *gw lupa, knp des??*. Trus temen gw jg katanya ekskul, blm selesai. Nyaris gag dtg jg. Gw ma Desi uda pesimis aj tuh. Klo pd gag dtg kan sama aj ank DC duand yg ikut.
Masalahnya pas kmrn, 1 temen sekelas gw en 1 temen sekelas Opi gag bsa dateng coz ad acara gitu ma temen2nya, pdhal uda bayar. Percuma kan klo yg dtg kita2 duand??
Tp akhirnya dgn sedikit bujukan, rayuan, paksaa, dan ancaman *halaah lebay* akhirnya ada 4 org yg resmi dtg. HORREE! Thank you sooo much buat Aan, Bunga, Ochem, Unyil.. ^^
Wlaupun karena nungguin mereka jg *selain Aan* jd acara tmbah ngaret dari rencana. Kalo c Unyil emg dari awal uda blg k Desi klo dia datengnya telat.

Acara dimulai dari baca Al-Fatihah bersama dipimpin MC *ntiz + anggi, hoho~* d lanjutkan dgn intro supaya saling kenal. Abiz itu lgsung nnton video2 yg uda d siapin Chi d TV-nya Anggrel.
Sekitar jam 2, acara di break sebentar coz sholat Zuhur dulu. Pas bgd tuh c Unyil dtg. Jd acara dimulai lg dgn formasi lgkap, nobar F4 5 years later, yg semuanya pd heboh teriak2 pas partnya Minho en Kimbum =.= *pas Hyunjoong en Kimjoon pd biasa aj*
Abiz selesai nobar itu, mask acara games pertama, 'Tebak Profil Seleb Korea' yg d bikin oleh Chi + Desi. Pemenang games pertama ini adalah ANGGIE! chukkhae Gie, gag sia2 usaha lo ngapalin profil! wkwk~
terus, acara lnjut lagi nnton disc 2 yg isinya *seinget gw* perform Suju dkk. Tp pling heboh yaa pas dinyalain videonya Suju. Abis yg dtg rata2 demen Suju smua.
tamat nnton disc 2, masuk k games 2, "tebak judul Lagu' yg dibikin oleh Ntiz + Chi. Games yg heboh en bikin napsu, wkwk~ Pemenang games ini yaitu c tuan rumah, ANGGREL! chukkhae jg ya Grel ^^
*kayaknya kmrn lg hari kberuntungan org yg nama depannya 'ANGG'* wkwk~

setelah games itu ngapain lg ya?? oia acara puncak! untung Anggie inget ama acara ini, coz yg laen lupa! Hampir aja kelupaan, hadduh~ Yaitu acara ngrayain b'day-nya Iyaz + Unyil *yg uda lewat*
kita nyanyiin saengil chukkhahamnida Iyaz Unyil smbil bawa kue bolu yg bikinan Opi, truz potong kue, poto2 ma kue, en makan kue bareng *sayang gag ad tiup lilin*, smbil liat MVnya Xing!! gyyaaa~ nchuul~ *wkwk*

acara terakhir~ NARSIS bareng! hwahahaha~ poto2 ma smua peserta gath! pake kamera digital daku yg d set timer *muter2 nyari pngaturannya dimana*. truss KLIK! k poto bareng deh hoho~
abis itu khusus member DC.Ent narsis bareng, d potoin ama Bunga *gomawo ^^*. Tp kayaknya 5 generasi muda yg kmrn narsis pling banyak. hehe.
nah, abis pmbagian goodies oleh Desi, yg pling terakhir kita narsis bareng sambil pegang goodis masing2, hoho~
udah kan yak?? acaranya itu duand?? ato ada yg daku lupa ama susunannya?? o.O
yg pling terakhir di antara terakhir, acara selesai dan pulang k hum masing2 *thx buat Chi uda nganter gw k hum,hehe. maap buat opi kita jd naek motor b'3, sempit2an* ^^v

1. Peserta 1st Gath DC.Ent yang uda meluangkan waktunya untuk dateng k gath
Aan, Bunga, Ochem, Unyil, Iyaz *mian gag jd panitia yaz ^^*... thank you very much yoo~
tanpa kalian gath kita gag bakal jadi apa2, gag rame, en mgkin 1st Gath ini gag bakal jadi klo kalian gag ada ^^

2. Panitia Gath DC.Ent yg skitar 2 minggu ini sibuk bgd ngurusin goodies, tiket, note hadiah games, en dll buat gath
Chi, Desi, Anggie, Opi (en diriku sendiri, hehe) gomawooooo~ uda pd mau direpotin..

3. Tuan rumah tempat gath yg uda rela rumahnya di bikin berantakan, berisik, kotor, kacau, rame, dll
ANGGREL~ sankyu.. ^^

4. Peserta 1st Gath DC.Ent yang gag bisa dtg walopun uda bayar *nyesel lhoo*
Anie, Arni, Ufuk, Rosi.. thanks ya^^ ! Sayang kalian gag bisa dateng..
tar klo ada *insya allah* 2nd Gath DC.Ent, kalian dtg yaa..

terakhir, mohon doa semuanya semoga bisa ada 2nd gath, 3rd gath, 4th gath, dan seterusnya...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

kangen minani minani minani minani minani minani~

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Jun 28, 2009

[PIC] SS501's Childhood So Cutee~

ini posting'n pertama dariku. . .

kalo ada yang salah mohon d maafkn ^ ^

inilah muka-muka lucu anak ss pas waktu kecil

dimulai dari yang magnae, kim hyung joon

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Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
hyung n dongsaeng ^ ^ hyung joon n kibum. . . lucu'a XD

Park Jung Min

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Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
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Image Hosting by Picoodle.com

Kim Kyu Jong

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Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com

Heo Young Saeng

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Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com

Kim Hyun Joong

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Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
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dan 1 lagi piku lama mereka sebelum debut

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hohohoho masih sangat natural mereka ^ ^

credits : caps from video + Quainte + AsianFanatics + all respected owners

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Jun 27, 2009

horraaaaayyy!! :)

hha. .
lg g ad krjaan d rumah, jd mnding ngnet z. .
hkhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj. .
ssuai judul *halahh!* saia sedang brbahagia hari ini. .
hha. .
g pnting bgt kn hboh gra" naek klaz?!
tp y gmn lg, saia suda tak tnang sjak ptama tw klo uasq rmidi 7 dr 11 mapel. .
eh g dink, q ngitungx cm 3 mapel qo. .
mipa, bahasa, komputer. .

bner cm 3 kn?!
hkhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj. .
*dkeplak guru"*
ksenangan hri ini tyt mrupakan (sop)buntut dr kjadian bberapa hari lalu. .
1. nglyt piku mbek yg pke cardigan ato apalah itu namany, pkokx wrna ijo. buseeeeeeeeett~ brasa nglyt bocah!! imuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttt!! *djitak prim. . [gomawo cita]
2. dpet (baca : nyilet) piku guk d bbf yg imuuuuuuuuuutt bgt d mjalah mi+ bbf. . [gomawo pus]
nb : barterx mantap!!
hayooooooooo~ kira" ksenangan ap lg yg nanti bkal berlanjut yak??
nan mollayo. .
*hayoo igt ap m kta" ni?? -lirik" diy-*
hkhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj. .
wokeke. .
geje mode : on ud m drubah k off. .
saia pamit. .
hha. .

woooooooooo iy. .
saia lp ngasi smangat k mbek. .
mbek, hwaiting!!
*jd mupeng k singapura*
hha. .

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Jun 26, 2009

[NEWS] FT.Island Jadi Model

karena sepoy~
jd ak ngepost news aj yah??
lumayann dri FTI.. hoho~
bru dpt td nihh..

FT Island to model for female cosmetic brand Baviphat

5-member band idol group FT Island will be the new skin-pretty models to cosmetic brand Baviphat.

Baviphat’s skin care men’s body, hair and nail products aimed at costumes ranging from their teens till their early twenties and FT Island’s healthy image has been the plus point for them as models to the product.

There has been a trend recently for male stars to model for female cosmetic products – we see Bae Yong Joon, Kwon Sang Woo and Lee MinHo modeling for female cosmetic products. FT Island members will also be present for the opening of the first shop of Baviphat in MyungDong on 28th June.

Meanwhile, FT Island will be in Singapore for their performance showcase from 25th till 27th June. They will also move on to Japan, Thailand, China and Taiwan for their showcases after that.

The group will also be releasing their 3rd full-length album end-July.

Meanwhile Lee Hong Ki has been casted in his musical, "A Mid Summer Dream". The musical opens n August.

source: kbites + asianfanatics

gyaaa~ mami maen musical?? kita tggu ajah!
jd mupeng bgd mao k SIngapur..
mereka ud nyampe kmrn, tgl 25..
huhu~ minaniii~ T.T

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Jun 23, 2009

[LYRICS] Please Be Good To Me - Kim Hyeon Jung


mae-il keoldeon cheonhwa pogosip'dan yaegi
haru hansigando na eopsineun mot kyeondyeohadeon neoinde
chigeumeun neomu tareun nega na''seola

keunal pamdo keurae pappeutadeon neonde
taech'ye keu koseseo tareun keuwa haengbokhan neoreul pwayahae
eoseolp'euge tulleodaedeon neon eotteohke

I'm sorry, all right girl?
neomudo pyeonhaega, oh my girl
neoneun naega neomu chal aljanha nal sokijima
'cause I know you're everything

I'm sorry without girl
isseul suga eoptjanha, oh my girl
ne kyeot'e ittneun nae moseubi ch'orahajianhke
chepal chalhaejweo

nunuseumi manhgo aegyo manheun mallt'u
hagin keureogettji manheun namja neol pomyeon ppajyeodeult'ende
chepal naege ireojineunma

I'm sorry, all right girl?
neomudo pyeonhaega, oh my girl
neoneun naega neomu chal aljanha nal sokijima
'cause I know you're everything

I'm sorry without girl
isseul suga eoptjanha, oh my girl
ne kyeot'e ittneun nae moseubi ch'orahajianhke
chepal chalhaejweo

p'aljjangdo keureohgo haengbokhan moseubi
wanbyeokhan yeonin tulmani
eotteohke ihaehae ohiryeo neol
poneun nae moseubeul

neon naega keureondago saenggak chom haebwa
Please, my love
teutgosip'eo neoran saram soknaereul chom

without girl...

I'm sorry, all right girl?
neomudo pyeonhaega, oh my girl
neoneun naega neomu chal aljanha nal sokijima
'cause I know you're everything

I'm sorry without girl
isseul suga eoptjanha, oh my girl
ne kyeot'e ittneun nae moseubi ch'orahajianhke

sorry without girl (without girl)
oh my girl (oh my girl) ...


I miss talking on the phone everyday
each moment of the day without me was something you once couldn't withstand
now, it's so very differnet, you're a stranger

each day and night, oh right, you're busy again
my place has been filled by another man to make you happy I see
why did you dodge me so, why are you doing this

I'm sorry, all right girl
you've really changed so much, oh my girl
I know you way to well, don't cheat me
'cause I know your everything

I'm sorry without girl
This can't be, oh my girl
when I'm beside you my face is not unappreciative
so please be good to me

you're eyes so full of laughter, your increidbly cute ways of acting
trans lated by genesisat soompin bwwtwo
how I bet that many men would love to lay eyes on you
please do not do this, not to me

I'm sorry, all right girl
you've really changed so much, oh my girl
I know you way to well, don't cheat me
'cause I know your everything

I'm sorry without girl
This can't be, oh my girl
when I'm beside you my face is not unappreciative
so please be good to me

Arm in arm like that, faces of happiness
just the perfect two lovers
I'd really like to understand, see it in my face

Try and think of something to say to me
please my love
I want to hear it, for your inner self to say it

Without girl~

I'm sorry, all right girl
you've really changed so much, oh my girl
I know you way to well, don't cheat me
'cause I know your everything

I'm sorry without girl
This can't be, oh my girl
when I'm beside you my face is not unappreciative

sorry without girl (without girl)....
oh my girl (oh my girl)...


매일 걸던 전화 보고싶단 얘기
하루 한시간도 나 없이는 못 견뎌하던 너인데
지금은 너무 다른 네가 낯설어

그날 밤도 그래 바쁘다던 넌데
대체 그 곳에서 다른 그와 행복한 너를 봐야해
어설프게 둘러대던 넌 어떻게

I'm sorry alright girl
너무도 변해가 oh my girl
너는 내가 너무 잘 알잖아 날 속이지마
cause I know your everything

I'm sorry without girl
있을 수가 없잖아 oh my girl
네 곁에 있는 내 모습이 초라하지않게
제발 잘해줘

눈웃음이 많고 애교 많은 말투
하긴 그러겠지 많은 남자 널 보면 빠져들텐데
제발 내게 이러지는마

I'm sorry alright girl
너무도 변해가 oh my girl
너는 내가 너무 잘 알잖아 날 속이지마
cause I know your everything

I'm sorry without girl
있을 수가 없잖아 oh my girl
네 곁에 있는 내 모습이 초라하지않게
제발 잘해줘

팔짱도 그렇고 행복한 모습이
완벽한 연인 둘만이
어떻게 이해해 오히려 널
보는 내 모습을

넌 내가 그런다고 생각 좀 해봐
please my love
듣고싶어 너란 사람 속내를 좀

without girl

I'm sorry alright girl
너무도 변해가 oh my girl
너는 내가 너무 잘 알잖아 날 속이지마
cause I know your everything

I'm sorry without girl
있을 수가 없잖아 oh my girl
네 곁에 있는 내 모습이 초라하지않게

sorry without girl (without girl)
oh my girl (oh my girl)

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[LYRICS] Wuss Up - Kim Kyu Jong Lyrics


int'eonetboda silmuli teo na
niga deuleun somunboda teo na
junbidwaesseo ijeneun LET'S PLAY

sajindeul-sogui neomu ppeonhan
namjadeulman pwattgettjiman
cheungmyeonhalkke naneun talla
kkeullyeo (keullyeo) kkeullyeo (kkeullyeo)

hangeoreumssik keoreogalttaemyeon
siseondeuri naegero moyeo (moyeo)
orean siganeul kidaryeosseo
chigeum nal parabwa (HEY!)

ije naega WHAT'S UP
What what what WHAT'S UP
kidaryeottdeon sigandeureul ije kkeutnasseo
What what what WHAT'S UP
Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up

mureobwa ni ch'ingu-ui ch'ingu
eodiseodeul teleobwasseo
Make it, do what not
I'm so so so so hot is what

chabeumdeureul modu kkeonwa
naega kal i gireul t'eonwa
ijebut'eo nan utgiseul seweo (seweo)

eotteon eumakideul kwaench'anha
hamkkeramyeon kaseumeun ttwi-eo
roman ization by genesis at soompi
orean siganeul kidaryeosseo
chigeum nan neol wihae (HEY!)

ije naega WHAT'S UP
What what what WHAT'S UP
kidaryeottdeon sigandeureul ije kkeutnasseo
What what what WHAT'S UP
Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up

ajik moreundamyeon nal ara
tan ilch'oramyeon naralsuisseo
nal kidaryeo-on keotdo ara
niga chigeumkkeot weonhaewasseottdeon
yeogi nal bwa

ije naega WHAT'S UP
What what what WHAT'S UP (What's Up, Hey!)
kidaryeottdeon sigandeureul ije kkeutnasseo
What what what WHAT'S UP
Wuss Up (I CAN'T STOP)
Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up (I WANT STAR)

ije naega WHAT'S UP
What what what WHAT'S UP (What's Up, Hey!)
kidaryeottdeon sigandeureul ije kkeutnasseo
What what what WHAT'S UP (What's Up)
Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up


Whether seeing me on the internet or in person
I'm much more than any of those rumours
you ready, now let's play

In the photos that were absolutely shameless
they were only all these guys to see...
I'll prove that I'm different
Feel it (get attracted), feel it (get attracted)

With every step I take I'll grab attention, I'll take it (take it)
I've waited a long time for this, now look at me (Hey!)

It's me now, what's up!
what what what wassup? (wussup, hey!)
time's up for waiting now
hey lady, what's up?
what what what wassup? (wussup)
wussup, wussup, wussup, wussup, wussup!

Go and ask even your friend's friend, you'll hear it anywhere
make it do, what not, I'm so so so so hot is what
trans lation by genesisat soompiand bwwtwo
Shut all that noise down, I'm proceeding this way
from now on, I'm popping my collar (pop it)

The music is just fine, with you my heart starts to jump
I've been waiting a long time for this, now, I'm all for you (Hey!)

It's me now, what's up!
what what what wassup? (wussup, hey!)
time's up for waiting now
hey lady, what's up?
what what what wassup? (wussup)
wussup, wussup, wussup, wussup, wussup!

If you don't know me yet, you can grasp me all in only a second
you have waited to know me, you may have wanted me for ever
I'm here, look at me!

It's me now, what's up!
what what what wassup? (wussup, hey!)
time's up for waiting now
hey lady, what's up?
what what what wassup? (wussup)
wussup, (Can't stop) wussup, wussup, wussup, wussup!

It's me now, what's up!
what what what wassup? (wussup, hey!)
time's up for waiting now
hey lady, what's up?
what what what wassup? (wussup)
wussup, wussup, wussup, wussup, wussup!


인터넷보다 실물이 더 나
니가 들은 소문보다 더 나
준비됐어 이제는 Let's play

사진들속의 너무 뻔한
남자들만 봤겠지만
증명할께 나는 달라
끌려(끌려) 끌려(끌려)

한걸음씩 걸어갈때면
시선들이 내게로 모여(모여)
오랜시간을 기다렸어
지금 날 바라봐(Hey)

이제 내가 Wuss Up
What What What Wuss Up(Wuss Up Hey)
기다렸던 시간들은 이제 끝났어
A ready Wuss up
What What What Wuss Up(Wuss up)
Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up

물어봐 니 친구의 친구
어디서든 들어봤어
Make it do what not
I'm So So So So hot is what

잡음들은 모두 꺼놔
내가 갈 이 길을 터놔
이제부터 난 옷깃을 세워(세워)

어떤 음악이든 괜찮아
함께라면 가슴은 뛰어
오랜시간을 기다렸어
지금 난 널 위해(Hey)

이제 내가 Wuss Up
What What What Wuss Up(Wuss Up Hey)
기다렸던 시간들은 이제 끝났어
A ready Wuss up
What What What Wuss Up(Wuss up)
Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up

아직 모른다면 날 알아
단 일초라면 날알수있어
날 기다려온 것도 알아
니가 지금껏 원해왔었던
여기 날 봐

이제 내가 Wuss Up
What What What Wuss Up(Wuss Up Hey)
기다렸던 시간들은 이제 끝났어
A ready Wuss up
What What What Wuss Up(Wuss up)
Wuss Up (I Can't stop)Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up(I Want Star)

이제 내가 Wuss Up
What What What Wuss Up(Wuss Up Hey)
기다렸던 시간들은 이제 끝났어
A ready Wuss up
What What What Wuss Up(Wuss up)
Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up Wuss Up

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[LYRICS] Nameless Memory - Heo Young Saeng


Nan hamkkehan sigan soge
neoreul kkeonae-eoponda
oraedoen sigan sok
neowaui kieok
chinaon ireum eoptneun kieok

neowa hamkkehan sigansogeneun
hangsang honjayeottdago
uri ch'u-eogeun sojunghaettjiman
na-egen ireum eoptneun kieok

sarang neoreul kieokhae
ch'ueok nareul kieokhae
keu kose modeun naldeuri ijen
haneuldo kieokhae uri

nan neowaui sigandeureul
modu kanjikhagireul
tagaon ireum eoptneun kieok

pingonggan soge neoui keurium
hangsang kidaryeottdago
chinan ch'ueogeul sojunghaettjiman
nameun geon ireum eoptneun kieok

sarang neoreul kieokhae
ch'ueok nareul kieokhae
keu kose modeun naldeuri ijen
haneuldo kieokhae uri

nae modeun sarangeul chueottgo
kieok soge neowa hamkke haettdeon sigan
roman ization by genesis at soompi nbwwtwo
nae sarang keu oraedoen chinan naldeuri
kieok doel keoya

neol saranghaesseottda

sarang neoreul kieokhae
ch'ueok nareul kieokhae
neol saranghanikka
hangsang kieokhae uri

sarang keurigo ch'ueok
ijen uri yaegineun eoptneun...


Throughout all this time, re-earthing the moments I saw of you
The memories with you in those times past
All those past memories without names

And in all those times I spent together with you
I was always alone
Our memories are all very precious, however
I yet cannot put a name to those memories

The love, I remember you, the memory, I remember me
all the days that we were there, now even the sky remembers us

The many times you and I share, I'll recclaim them all
I think of them still but there's only wounds left
transla tion by genesisat soompiand bwwtwo
the forthcoming memories without names

Your languish within a void, constantly waiting
all of those memories are precious, however
those particular remnants are a memory without a name

The love, I remember you, the memory, I remember me
all the days that we were there, now even the sky remembers us

I remember giving all my love in the times together with you
my love, in all those days past, will be remembered

I had loved you~

The love, I remember you, the memory, I remember me
because I loved you, because I had loved so
I will always remember us

love and memories...
that now cannot be remembered anymore


난 함께한 시간 속에
너를 꺼내어본다
오래된 시간 속
너와의 기억
지나온 이름없는 기억

너와 함께한 시간속에는
항상 혼자였다고
우리 추억은 소중했지만
나에겐 이름없는 기억

사랑 너를 기억해
추억 나를 기억해
그 곳에 모든 날들이 이젠
하늘도 기억해 우리

난 너와의 시간들을
모두 간직하기를
다가온 이름없는 기억

빈공간 속에 너의 그리움
항상 기다렸다고
지난 추억은 소중했지만
남은 건 이름 없는 기억

사랑 너를 기억해
추억 나를 기억해
그 곳에 모든 날들이 이젠
하늘이 기억해 우리

내 모든 사랑을 주었고
기억 속에 너와 함께 했던 시간
내 사랑 그 오래된 지난 날들이
기억 될 거야

널 사랑했었다

사랑 너를 기억해
추억 나를 기억해
널 사랑하니까
항상 기억해 우리

사랑 그리고 추억
이젠 우리 얘기는 없는 기억

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Jun 21, 2009

[DISC] pin..?? mau bikin..??

sesuai dengan permintaan burut..
yang minta bikinin desainnya..
n dengan kemampuan saia yg pas2an..
dan jg brush n font yg ilang smua...
jadi cuma sgini doang yg bisa qu buat..



semuanya qu biqin emank karna kurang bahan+kurang imajinasi...

harap coment..!!

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Jun 20, 2009

[PIC] Miss My Baby Sooo~~

1st posting...

bingung mw posting apa..
posting tntg baby aja deh..
cz mank lg kangen sm baby c.. T.T




posting piku baby aja deh...

*maap ya baby jdi bahan eksperimen*

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Jun 18, 2009

[LYRICS] Sometime

lg sukaa dngerin lagu ini…
tapi bru kmaren smpet nyari en lgsung dpt liriknya..
btw ini partnya ssuai pndengaran ak lho..

ak dapet lirik tp gag ad partnya..
jd klo ad part yg salah harap maklum iaa ^^
mohon di koreksi..
ayoo nyanyii !! XDD

Sometime by SS501 ‘3 Man’

[Baby ku]
amoori wonhan da geo hae do
man nal su obneun saram ijyo
keu ryeo beobnida keudael keu ryeo beobnida
aryeonhan moseub dwinwi imyeon seo

[Kyu Jong]
amoori neoryeokhae boado
ojjoeolsu obneun saram ijyo
nan beolreo beobnida keudael beolro beobnida
aryeokhan jeuok neomudeo keuri wohamyeo

[Young Saeng]
dadeuthan keu neunbichman jakkeu ttoeulrasseo
meutgyeondigae heurin gieokman jakkeu saengkak naseo
ijen andwaendageo malhaedo ojjeolseu obssjanayeo
nameun chueokhanaro neol keurimyeo saraganeun na

[Baby ku]
amoori dagagaryeo haedeo
ojjolseu obneun saram ijyo
na kidaribnida keudael kidaribnida
sarajin chueok nomudeo apahamyeonseo

[Young Saeng]
nan ddaddeuthadeon neunbichman jakkeu ttoeulrasseo
meot gyeondigae heurin gieokman jakkeu saengkak naseo
ijen andwaendageo malhaedo ojjeolseu obssjanayeo
nameun chueokhanaro neol keurimyeo saraganeun na

[Kyu Jong]
neul hamkke haettdeon uri gieokeun
[Young Saeng]
ee jjarie keudaereo issneundae

[Baby ku]
nareul chajdeon seongili jakkeu ttoeulrasseo
[Young Saeng]
nareul beo myeo utdeon eolgeuli jakkeu saengkak naseo

[Young Saeng]
ijen andwaendageo malhaedo ojjeolseu obssjanayeo
nameun chueokhanaro neol keurimyeo saragajyo

[Young Saeng]
ddaddeuthadeon neunbichman jakkeu ttoeulrasseo
meot gyeondigae heurin gieokman jakkeu saengkak naseo
ijen andwaendageo malhaedo ojjeolseu obssjanayeo
nameun chueokhanaro neol keurimyeo saraganeun na

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[LINK] SS501 Solo Collection

hiyaaaa~ my first entri..ayayayayay
gw share solo singlex ss yg bru yah ibu2..

Image Hosting by Picoodle.com

CD Information :

Artist : SS501
Single : Solo Collection
Release Date: 18.06.2009
Language : Korean
Genre : Ballad/Dance
Bit Rate: 320kbps

Track Information :

1. À̸§¾ø´Â ±â¾ï (Can¡¯t Remember Name) (Young Saeng Solo)
2. Wuss Up (Kyu Jong Solo)
3. Á¦¹ß ÀßÇØÁà(Be nice to me, Please) (Hyun Joong Solo)

Young Saeng Solo
Kyu Jong Solo
Hyun Joong Solo

moga ibu2 skalian doyan dgn lgux cz gw ndri jg blm dgr kek gmn lgux.hehehehehehe

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Jun 17, 2009

my st0ry with kaka 0ppa

p0st pertama daku
ini jg g d inet
tp d hp. hehehe

jd crita'a daku binun mw ngep0st aj
alhasil jdilah daku curhat pd kalian smua
mav y. hanya ini yg bsa aq p0st

dulu wktu kelaz 2 smp aq suka ikut ntn sepakbola sama bokap q
nah, kebetulan bgt paz ntn ac.milan vs roma
jujur aq dulu'a suka totti
tp entah kenapa aq jd suka am sosok lelaki yg memakai kaus merah hitam, berlari d tengah lapangn. dngan nomer punggung 22
mata q g bsa berkedip melihat'a
dan saat it aq tw kal0 nama'a adalah kaka
hanya it yg aq kenal

saat menginjak kelaz 3 smp aq bertemu dengan teman q yg suka bgt am milan
dan kebetulan dy jg suka kaka
aq jd sering bertnya pdnya asal usul kaka
sampai aq tertarik berlanganan koran soc**r
stiap minggu'a aq terus membeli k0rat tsb
dan seiring it aq tw dunia sepakbola secara luas
bhkan ttng kaka
aq malah tambah menyukainya, bhkan mungkin melebihi se0rang fanz
aq juga suka dngn kehidupan'a yg religius dan dewasa
am kagum dengan dirinya baik dalam sepakbola maupun dalam kehidupan keluarga dan percintaan'a
aq benar2 sudah terhipn0tis oleh'a
mungkin aq g akan pernah menyukai 0rang laen melebhi menyukai'a
hingga kini pun msh seperti it
walaupun itensitas q d dunia sepakbola sudah memudar
tp aq akan terus dan terus menyukai'a
sampai aq menemukan pengganti'a nanti ^^

mav, ngep0st'a gejeh
kpn2 aq p0st pr0fil'a y

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[PIC] Full of Lovely Goat Jinnie !!

Jangan kaget sama postinganku yang satu ini...
sambil curhat kali yaa..
tujuan utama posting ini sih gak sengaja..
emang gak ada yang tau tujuan awalnya...
just JaeHyun's n me...

..1st pic...
suka banget sama pic yg ini
ayolah teruskan perjuangan narcismu
ikutilah jejak para seniormu...

..2nd pic..
from i believe my self
lagi2 narcism mode on
mungkin itu juga kali yakh yang bikin qu demen..

..3rd & 4th pic..
jinnie on glasses
no comment

..2 last pic..

ku thumbnail ajah
kasian blognya ntar jadi lola

maniss banget my jinnie~
love u love u love u~

ps : yang bersangkutan WAJIB komen..!!

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If Loving You Is WRONG, I Don’t Want To Be RIGHT

Hweeaaaa~ judul postingannya keren yak?? Wkwk~
Sebenernya udah lama tau kata2 itu, tapi lupa. Padahal kata2nya keren banget.
Baru inget lagi pas tadi buka2 folder lagu2 Indo. Sekedar info, itu tuh judul albumnya “The Fly”! Hoho~

Gag ada maksud untuk nulis postingan sih. Cuma pengen pamer kata2 yang baru ak temuin.
Tapi karena judul itu juga ak jadi tertarik untuk ngeposting sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan judul di atas.
Yaitu tentang ak dan para nampyeon2 ak yang entah kenapa ak ‘cinta’ sama mereka semua. Don’t ask me, cause I don’t know why.. *lho? Ini sih hubungannya ama lagu Doushite-nya DBSK atau Why I Like You-nya Suju dund?* XP

Tapii.. kayaknya gag seru juga kalau cuma ngebahas tentang nampyeon2 ak, yang ak yakin kalian semua juga udah tau kan?? Oleh karena itu, pada edisi khusus kali ini, ak menghadirkan 2 orang bintang tamu. Yuuk~ check this out !

Doushite Kimi Wo Suki Ni Natte Shimmatan Darou??

5. Kwon Sang Hwan a.k.a Runin

(Gag mau nyebut nama asli akh! *LOL* Jadi pake sebutan ak ke dia aja yak..)
Orang yang satu ini, adalah nae sarang[burung]haneun sunbae *ngerti kan maksudnya apah?*. Ak juga gag ngerti kenapa bisa “suki-suki” ama sunbae yang satu ini. Cakep? Pasti! Bayangin aja cowok keturunan Cina gimana dah! Ato gag tanya aja ma Chii or Opi, hahaa. Putih, tinggi, cool, pendiem. A mysterious boy! Singkatnya gitu aja deh, sekarang sih dia udah gag penting *LOL*. Lagipula orangnya udah lulus sekarang (dia seangkatan ma Desy, Diy, Puss, Anggrel).
Kata2 terakhir buat Runin sunbae !
Apaan yak?? Pokoknya kalo diberi kesempatan, cuma mau ngucapin dua kata : thanks en bye. Huehehe~. Oya satu lagi, smoga awet teruss yah ama Unin onnie *LOL*. ^^v

4. Kim Young Hyuk a.k.a Iru

(nama sebutan ak juga nihh.. XP)
Orang ini juga nae sarang[burung]haneun sunbae yang nomor 2, setelah Runin sunbae. Secara angkatannya juga dibawahnya sih, wkwk~ (dia seangkatan ma Arina). Sama aja kayak yang tadi, ak juga gag ngerti kenapa bisa “suki-suki” ama sunbae yang satu ini. Sunbae yang menurut ak agak sdikit ‘ANEH’, childish, ptakilan, suka heboh sndiri, masih kayak anak kecil, sifatnya kekanak2kanakan [makanya d putusin ceweknya! wkkwk], teruuuss gag tau lagi deh. Pass!! Yahh seenggaknya itulah gambaran sunbae Iru di mata ak *halaah*.
Kata2 terakhir buat Iru sunbae !
*mikir duluu* mau ngucapi kata2 yang sama : thanks. Untuk apa?? Ak juga gag tau.. wkwk~ Tapi gag pake ‘bye’, kan ntar masih bisa ketemu lagi selama 1 taon terakhir. Amin! :P

3. Kim Sang Bum a.k.a Bum

(kalo buat nampyeon mah pake panggilan sayang.. XP)
Kenalan *ha? Knal drimna?* en tau sama nampyeon yg satu ini c uda lumayan lama. Waktu ak msh trgila2 bgt ma Kibum, ex.nampyeon *LOL*. Wktu lg searching piku Kibum, ehh nemu deh piku Bum. Wktu itu blm trtarik c, cma blg “ihh cakep jg.. imuud bgt!”. Lgsung ktiban cinta pas nnton BOF. Hwaa~ Yi Jungie sunbae! XDD. Abiz itu dia resmi deh jd nampyeon k’3. Hoho.
Kata2 terakhir buat Bum !
Bum, jgan tepe2 mulu napa ma cewek. Trus jgn kbnyakan senyum, uda tau senyum kmu killer. Bsa2 mmbunuh bnyak cewek ntar. Wkwk~

2. Lee Hyuk Jae a.k.a Hyukie

Gag tau kenapa koq ak bisa brpaling dari Kibum ke Hyukie. Pdahal jelas2 dulu cinta mati bgd ma Kibum, ckck~. Sebenernya ak juga bingung en lupa apa sebabnya koq jadi demen ama c Hyukie *d jodohin Umin en Chii* hwahaha. Walopun bnyak gossip miring tntang Hyukie, tntang dia ‘porno’ lha, playboy lha, ato apa lha, tp ak teteup aj demen. Apalagi pas kluarnya 3rd album Suju, Hyukie tmbah cakeep ajah! Jd tmbah cinta dehh~
Kata2 terakhir buat Hyukie !
Hyuk, walopun skarang bnyak bgt godaan di skitarku (aplgi Yesungie jg tmbah cakep) tp ak brusaha tetep menomorduakan dirimu ! Knp koq ‘nomor dua’?? Lha pan nomor 1 nya Minani! XP

1. Choi Min Hwan a.k.a Minan

zziiiinnnggg~~ *diem lamaaa*
apa yah?? Ak nyerah buat ngomongin tntang nampyeon prtamaku yg pling ak cinta inii XP. Gag ada alasan lha! Love isn’t need reason, right?? Wkkwk~ *bner gag tuh English nya?* Dari awal liad FT.Island lgsung sukanya ma Minan, walopun skarang jd suka smuanya! Hehe. Yang pastii, ak suka jeless klo ad yg demen Minan jg *mian puss*. Suka gag relaa gitu deh pkoknya! Perasaan yang sulit dideskripsikan… Tp ak msh bisa biasa2 aj kalo msh dalam taraf wajar *lho? mksudnya??*. Sekarang c ak cma pngen setia *halah* ma Minan en brusaha mnerimanya ap adanya *cieehh*
Kata2 terakhir buat Minan !
Singkat ajah!! “I’ll try to always loving you~~” ^^

Ini curhat ato apa yah?? Btw aneh2 aj postinganku dri kmrn =,=”

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Jun 16, 2009

[LINK] who's the singer??

hauuffft~ akhirnya ngblog lg dah, hha. .
q bingung mw ngpost apa, jd y q nglink ni z y. .
mohon bantuannya~ ni suaranya sapa yak??
telingaq yg masi grebek" m suara anak ss berkata bahwa ni bukn suaranya ank ss. .
hwkhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj. .

because i'm stupid.mp3

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Jun 15, 2009

[LYRICS] Extreme Lyric

bingung mau ngepos apa...
rame2in aja dewh..
sesuai request Huleb kita nih..
Enjoy it...

- Lee MinHo ft. Jessica Gomez -

차갑게 fill me 느릿한 night n night
쏟아진 스팟들 흔들린 날 잡아봐
cool하게 chic하게 가식은 집어쳐
조금씩 다가와 날 지배해줘

Extremely 미쳐봐 express it 모든 걸 exciting 짜릿해
이순간 네게 빠졌나봐
집착해 / 날 좀 더 / 차갑게 / 이리와서
조금 더 날 채워줘

다른 남자와는 달라
미지근한 말은 싫어
차갑도록 나를 태워
더 / 길 / 들 / 여 / 줘/
Explosive mind / explosive heart
Just wanna feel / real thing

I’m crazy / You’re classy / 그래서 우린 분명해
19 to 24 / 누구든 우릴 증명해
[핫 하게/ 힙 하게/ 모든걸 던져봐]
[my body/ my mind/ 날 지/ 배/ 해/ 줘]

Extremely 미쳐봐 express it 모든 걸 exciting 짜릿해
이순간 네게 빠졌나봐
집착해/ 날 좀 더/ 차갑게/ 이리와서
조금 더 명/ 령/ 해/ 줘/

다른 남자와는 달라
미지근한 말은 싫어
차갑도록 나를 태워
더 / 길 / 들 / 여 / 줘/
Explosive mind / explosive heart
Just wanna feel / real love

다른 여자와는 달라
너는 first class lady
So 맘 속으로 들어와
더 / 머 / 물 / 러 / 줘/
Explosive mind / explosive heart
Just wanna feel / real Love

chagabgeh fill me neulit han attracting light
soodajin sparkle heundeullin nal jababwa
cool hageh chic hageh gashikeun jibuhchyuh
jogeumshik dagawa nal jibeh hehjwuh

extremely michyuhbwa express it modeun gul exciting jjalit heh
ee ex nehgeh bbajyutnabwa
chimchakheh nal jom duh chagabgeh iliwasuh
ee ex, nun nal chewuhjwuh

daleun namja waneun dalla
mijigeunhan maleun shilluh
chagabdolok nal ehtehwuh
nal gil deul yuh jwuh
exclusive mind, explosive heart
just wanna feel real thing

i'm crazy, you're classy. geulehsuh oorin boonmyungheh
19 to 24 noogoodeun ooril jeungmyungheh
hot hageh hip hageh modeun gul dunjyuhbwabwa
nobody. maeumman nal ji beh heh jwuh

extremely michyuhbwa express it modeun gul exciting jjalit heh
ee ex nehgeh bbajyutnabwa
chimchakheh nal jom duh chagabgeh iliwasuh
2x duh myunglyung hejwuh

daleun namja waneun dalla
mijigeunhan maleun shilluh
chagabdolok naleul tehwuh
duh gil deul yuh jwuh
exclusive mind, explosive heart
just wanna feel real thing

.. rap ..

daleun namja waneun dalla
mijigeunhan maleun shilluh
chagabdolok naleul tehwuh
duh gil deul yuh jwuh
exclusive mind, explosive heart
just wanna be real love

daleun yuhja wanuen dalla
nuhneun first class lday
so mam sok eulo deuluhwa
duh muh mool luh jwuh
exclusive mind, explosive heart
just wanna be real love

2x, 2x, 2x, 2x

coldly, fill me. slow attracting light
the spilled sparkles.. try to catch me, who's shaken by you
cool, chic, throw away any pretense
calm down. to me little by little. control me.

extremely, go crazy. express it, everything. exciting, it's electric
2x, you've fallen for me
calmly.. so it's colder, come here
2x, you fill me up

i'm different from other men
i don't like lukewarm words
burn me until it's cold
tame me some more
exclusive mind, explosive heart
just wanna feel real thing

i'm crazy. you're classy. that's why we're meant to be
19 to 24. everyone verifies that
hot, hip, throw me everything you got
no body, just my heart, control me

extremely, go crazy. express it, everything. exciting, it's electric
2x, you've fallen for me
calmly.. so it's colder, come here
2x, command me even more

i'm different from other men
i don't like lukewarm words
burn me until it's cold
tame me some more
exclusive mind, explosive heart
just wanna feel real thing

extra, extra, set for the paper (?)
give it to me raw, now or never
give it to me straight, no chaser
give it to me cuz i'm capable of
domination, that express
no limitation
so extreme, it's H.O nation
got go, oh my ammunition
boy, you wanna get it started
2'o clock and i'm already partying
3 times through, i'm so cool
4 the person of my ??
i hope you like it
a time for me
and a time for bribing you

i'm different from other men
i don't like lukewarm words
burn me until it's cold
tame me some more
exclusive mind, explosive heart
just wanna be real love

you're different from other women
you're a first class lady
so come into my heart
stay by my side
exclusive mind, explosive heart
just wanna be real love

2x, 2x, 2x, 2x

korean lyrics: mnet
romanizations/translations: crazykyootie@soompi;;rachLx3

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Minhwan Blog update on 2009年06月015日

eh eh eh
karna binun mw ngepost apa
jd q ksi ja dr blog suamiqu XP
tw dah prasaan dy lg knapa
ni yg d tls suami saia

Many heart breaking/difficult matters will pass.

But their beauty will remain.

Have a little patience!!

最後に美しいものが 残るのだから。
Because ultimately, the beautiful things will remain.


このはなし かっこいいでしょ!!
That dialogue is so cool!!

みんなも つらいこと
Everyone should also over come all of their

ぜんぶ こくふくして うつくしいものを のこしてください!^^
heart breaking/difficult matters and let the beautiful things remain! ^^


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Jun 14, 2009

[IMP] UUD Blog DC.Ent

Pembukaan (Preambule)

Bahwa sesungguhnya bloggie ini adalah hak milik DC.Ent. Dan oleh sebab itu maka pembajakan bloggie atau nama DC. Ent harus dihapuskan. Karena tidak sesuai dengan pri-kebloggie-an dan pri-keDC-an.

Dan perjuangan personil DC.Ent telah sampailah pada saat yang ditunggu-tunggu dengan selamat sentosa. Mengantarkan personil DC.Ent ke dalam bloggie yang sudah jadi dan siap untuk diisi ini.

Atas berkat rahmat Allah Yang Maha Kuasa dan dengan didorongkan oleh keinginan luhur, supaya lebih dekat dengan personil DC.Ent lainnya, maka personil DC.Ent menyatakan dengan ini resmi dibuatnya blog ’DC Entertainment’.
second post yang gejeh!
isenk2 ngetik d kompi malah dapet ginian XP

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Jun 13, 2009


First time posting!!


apa ya..? sebenernya saia jg lupa apa maksud sebenarnya dibuat komunitas ini XD

tapi yang pasti kita cuma mau supaya hubungan kita lebih dekat n akrab.

Thanks to MXIT, kalo gak ada aplikasi yang satu ini, belum tentu ada yang namanya DC.ENT.

Walaupun di urutan sebelumnya udah ada FS, Mig33, Bing, maupun sekolah, dkk.

Tapi memang awal adanya DC.ENT ya cuma di MXIT.

Jadi, ya hampir setiap hari MXIT jadi penghubung kita-kita di dunia maya.

Now, this is emm... structure of organization??

Desy as BURUT aka Bu Dirut

Anggie as WARUT aka Wakil Dirut

Chii as SEKRUT aka Sekretaris Utama

Niz as BENDUT aka Bendahara Utama

Opie as MENTING aka Manager Marketing

Iyas as HUMAS aka Hubungan Masyarakat

Arina as HULEB aka Hubungan Seleb

Pussel as SEKRA aka Seksi Acara

Diy as SEPOT aka Seksi Repot

Anggrel as SIPER aka Seksi Peralatan

entah kalau nama2 di atas ini aneh atau gimana
but, i always love this family<3

sekian dari saya, maaf kalo banyak yang aneh
soalnya ga jago nulis

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